
Rhythm is a dancer - Prellerhausdach #1

Rhythm is a dancer - Prellerhausdach #1
As part of the exhibition Rhythm is a dancer by Christina Werner, Anna Voswinckel (Curator, Camera Austria Graz), Barbara Steiner (Director, Bauhaus Foundation Dessau), Christina Werner (Artist) and Johanna Rohland-Lindner (Director, Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin) discuss the role of art and photography in times of crisis.
How do institutions find their themes in times of crisis? Which thematic focuses are set and for what reasons? Which new audience groups should museums and exhibition spaces address in the future? And above all: What can art and photography contribute to society in difficult times?
These and other questions will be at the centre of the discussion, in which the participants will provide insights into their work and their perspectives on the significance of art and culture in times of crisis. An exciting exchange for everyone who is interested in the interface between art, culture and society.